How our smart water meters “SAVE” you money

Utility management cost-saving solutions are a priority for Body Corporates and Home Owner’s Associations (HOAs). Water Utility Solutions Management Service, simplifies water utility struggles. Our water management, smart water meter finance solutions will revolutionise water management, optimise usage, and ultimately lead to substantial savings for both Body Corporates and HOAs.

Water Management in a Sectional Title Scheme

Utility management on shared properties can be a daunting task. Traditional water metering methods often lack accuracy and real-time insights, making it difficult to pinpoint leaks or unusual consumption patterns promptly.

A body corporate allocates a monthly and yearly budget towards utility costs. The total water and sewerage costs allocated by the municipality are accommodated in this budget, as is the total water (Kl) used by each unit within the sectional title scheme. If the water utility cost is in excess of the allocated budget, the body corporate is responsible for covering the shortfall. This can directly impact the financial stability of the community.

Smart water meters leverage technology to offer a more intelligent and efficient approach to water management.

Smart water meter in Sectional Title Schemes

These meters are equipped with cutting-edge features that provide real-time data on water consumption, leak detection, and usage patterns. The data is transmitted digitally and can be monitored remotely, promptly addressing any anomalies. WUS preferred smart water for residential installations is the Kamstrup flowIQ 2000. With accurate, state-of-the-art built-in acoustic leakage detection and flexible remote reading technology, the meter alerts the user to service connections and distribution mains problems in their water use. This technology also eliminates the utility burden for body corporates.

By installing smart water meters, water consumed by each unit is now recorded by the meter and the cost thereof is charged to the owner of the unit. The water utility cost is therefore no longer paid by the BC, meaning the money that has been budgeted for, based on levies payable monthly by the owner, can now be “saved”. Used to subsidise levies, shared space utility costs, or included in the building maintenance budget.

WUS smart water meter financing solutions

The WUS smart water meter rent-to-own financing solution covers everything from installation to the cost per meter, meter management, meter reading, and meter maintenance, as well as communicating on your behalf with the City of Cape Town regarding tariff management and reconciliation. This financing solution requires no upfront capital investment and can be approved by the body corporate without a majority consent from owners and without a vote at the AGM.

WUS Water Management

Our comprehensive suite of smart water metering solutions is tailored for the South African market. This includes;

Accurate Billing –  eliminating disputes and ensuring fair billing

Leak Detection – early leak identification prevents water wastage and minimises property damage, ultimately saving money on repairs.

Real-time Monitoring – consumption and usage trends can be monitored, and water waste can be reduced, leading to significant savings.

Environmental Impact – Smart water meters encourage water conservation and awareness of consumption habits.

Smart water saves money in the long term. Body Corporates, Homeowner’s Associations and Sectional Title Schemes can enhance their financial stability while promoting sustainable water management practises.

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